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Brizy's controls can dynamically receive data from various sources using content tags. This dynamic content helps us customize the control's output. In Brizy Cloud and Brizy WordPress, dynamic content options cannot be directly customized. They will default to pre-defined options. However, in Brizy Local, you can configure these options using config.

Population parameter and getDCOption getter

To specify that a control will be using dynamic content, you need to pass the population parameter with its value retrieved from getDCOption.

Essential information for using dynamic content

The population parameter signifies that a control will utilize dynamic content. The available options for this content are retrieved by calling the getDCOption getter, specifying the desired group name.

  • population - this parameter indicates that the control will use dynamic content.
  • Dynamic content groups
    • richText - group using for texts
    • link - group using for URL's
    • image - group using for image URL's
  • getDCOption - is a getter function that retrieves dynamic content options by group name (as described above)


id: "title",
type: "inputText",
population: getDCOption("richText")
id: "link",
type: "inputText",
population: getDCOption("link")
id: "imageSrc",
type: "imageUpload",
population: getDCOption("image")