When using the builder, certain strings in the HTML output may appear in the following format:
{{ placeholder content='Base64(SOME EXTERNAL PLACEHOLDER)' }}
This structure occurs because the builder wraps all external placeholders within its own placeholder syntax. These placeholders are encoded in Base64 for processing and are designed to represent dynamic content.
Replacing Placeholders
To replace the content of builder placeholders with their actual values, you can use the Brizy-Content-Placeholder library. This library is specifically designed to decode and replace such placeholders dynamically, ensuring that the final rendered HTML displays the intended content seamlessly.
Example usage:
import {
} from "@brizy/content-placeholder";
export class BuilderPlaceholder extends ContentPlaceholder {
constructor() {
super("Builder Placeholder", "placeholder");
support(placeholderName: string): boolean {
return placeholderName === this.placeholder;
async getValue(context: ContextInterface, placeholder: ContentPlaceholder): Promise<string> {
const { content, ...attrs } = placeholder.getAttributes() ?? {
content: "",
if (!content)
return "";
const decodedContent = atob(content);
const extractor = new Extractor();
const [contentPlaceholders] = extractor.extractIgnoringRegistry(decodedContent);
if (contentPlaceholders.length === 0) {
return "";
const contentPlaceholder = contentPlaceholders[0];
const placeholderAttrs = contentPlaceholder.getAttributes();
return contentPlaceholder.buildPlaceholder();
getConfigStructure(): any {
return {
id: this.getUid(),
label: this.getLabel(),
name: this.getPlaceholder(),
placeholder: this.buildPlaceholder(),
attr: this.getAttributes(),
varyAttr: this.getVaryAttributes(),
getFallbackValue(context: ContextInterface, placeholder: ContentPlaceholder): string {
return "";
getLabel(): string {
return "";
getVaryAttributes(): string {
return "";
setLabel(label: string): void {}
shouldFallbackValue(value: string, context: ContextInterface, placeholder: ContentPlaceholder): boolean {
return false;
export const replacePlaceholders = async (html:string): Promise<string> => {
const context = new EmptyContext();
const registry = new Registry();
const builderInstance = new BuilderPlaceholder();
const replacer = new Replacer(registry);
return await replacer.replacePlaceholders(html, context);
This code snippet demonstrates how to use the Brizy-Content-Placeholder
library to replace builder placeholders in HTML content.
The replacePlaceholders
function decodes and replaces the placeholders dynamically, ensuring that the final HTML output displays the intended content.
For example, given the following HTML content with builder placeholders:
<p>Hi {{placeholder content='e3t1c2VybmFtZX19'}}</p>
<p>I wanted to personally welcome you to {{placeholder content="e3tjb21wYW55LW5hbWV9fQ=="}}</p>
<p>If you have any questions, you can always email us to {{placeholder content="e3tvdXItZW1haWx9fQ=="}}</p>
<span>Best Regards.</span>
The replacePlaceholders
function will replace the placeholders with their actual values, resulting in the following output:
<p>Hi {{username}}</p>
<p>I wanted to personally welcome you to {{company-name}}</p>
<p>If you have any questions, you can always email us to {{our-email}}</p>
<span>Best Regards.</span>
Menu Placeholders
The HTML output(after extracting the original placeholders from builder placeholder) containing a menu will typically have the following structure:
<div class="brz-menu__container brz-css-u3hlv brz-css-s84yA"
data-mmenu-position="position-left" data-mmenu-title="Main Menu" data-mmenu-stickytitle="on"
class="brz-menu brz-menu__preview brz-css-p0BBO brz-css-fUTFM">{{menu_item_icon_value
<svg class="brz-icon-svg align-[initial]">
<use href="/api/icons/fa/js-square.svg#fa_icon"></use>
{{end_menu_item_icon_value}}{{mega_menu_value itemId="30385160-5ec3-44fd-85dc-251ccad495fb"}}
<div class="brz brz-mega-menu__portal brz-css-gVQUy"
<div id="dbEHiVkLEsaR" class="brz-mega-menu brz-css-jjT22 brz-css-xuxve" data-uid="dbEHiVkLEsaR"
<div class="brz-bg">
<div class="brz-bg-color"></div>
<div class="brz-container brz-css-eCTFz">
<div id="" class="brz-css-ovyIa brz-wrapper">
<div class="brz-rich-text brz-rich-text__custom brz-css-sAXgx" data-brz-custom-id="ui92ZMsjw4kT">
<div data-brz-translate-text="1"><p class="brz-tp-lg-paragraph brz-css-c4H8t" data-uniq-id="wLz_q" data-generated-css="brz-css-lcImH">
<span>The point of using dummy text for your paragraph is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters. making it look like readable English.</span>
<ul class="brz-menu__ul">{{menu_loop menuId="myMenuId"}}
<li data-menu-item-id="{{menu_item_uid}}" class="brz-menu__item {{menu_item_classname}} brz-menu__item-dropdown">
<a class="brz-a" target="{{menu_item_target}}" href="{{menu_item_href}}" title="{{menu_item_attr_title}}">{{menu_item_icon}}<span
<ul class="brz-menu__sub-menu"
style="--offset: 5px; position: absolute; inset: 0px auto auto 0px; margin: 0px; transform: translate(0px, 68px);"
data-popper-placement="bottom-start">{{menu_loop recursive="1"}}{{end_menu_loop}}
Below is a detailed explanation of each placeholder used in the menu HTML structure:
Group Placeholders
- Indicates the start of a menu group.
- A menu group contains a collection of menu items that are related or grouped together for a specific purpose.
- Marks the end of the current menu group.
- Everything between
is considered part of the group.
Menu Loop Placeholders
{{menu_loop menuId="myMenuId"}}
- Starts iterating over the menu items for the menu identified by
. - Example: If
, this loop processes all items in the "mainMenu." - The optional attribute
can be included to iterate through submenus.
- Starts iterating over the menu items for the menu identified by
- Marks the end of the iteration through the menu items.
- Starts iterating over the submenu items of the current menu item.
- Submenus are nested menus under a primary menu item.
- Marks the end of the submenu iteration.
Menu Item-Specific Placeholders
- Contains the class name of the current menu item.
- Used to style or customize the menu item's appearance.
- A unique identifier (UID) for the current menu item.
- Example:
. - Useful for uniquely identifying and referencing each item.
- The hyperlink (URL) for the current menu item.
- Example:
<a href="{{menu_item_href}}">
generates<a href="">
- The target attribute of the menu item's link.
- Controls how the link opens. Common values:
(default): Opens in the same tab._blank
: Opens in a new tab.
- The title or text label of the menu item.
- Example:
renders the name displayed on the menu.
- Specifies the icon for the current menu item.
- Example:
could render an icon like a folder or a home symbol.
Mega Menu Placeholders
- Contains the content for the mega menu.
- A mega menu is a larger dropdown-style menu that displays additional information or links.
{{mega_menu_value itemId="someItemId"}}
- Starts defining the content for a specific mega menu item, identified by its
. - Example:
is used to specify the item content.
- Starts defining the content for a specific mega menu item, identified by its
- Marks the end of the content for the specified mega menu.
Menu Item Icon Placeholders
{{menu_item_icon_value itemId="someItemId"}}
- Defines the icon for a specific menu item, identified by its
. - Example: If
, the icon displayed is linked to this ID.
- Defines the icon for a specific menu item, identified by its
- Marks the end of the definition for the specified menu item icon.
For replacing the placeholders in the menu HTML structure, you can follow these examples :