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The typography control provides a comprehensive set of features for manipulating text on a web page. It supports loading fonts from Google Fonts or custom sources, altering CSS properties related to text appearance (such as strikethrough, bold, italic, underline, uppercase, and lowercase), and selecting or adding fonts from global styles. Additionally, it allows for adjusting text size, weight, line height, and letter spacing.

Example of the control:



idstring-The identifier of the key where the typography will save your data
typestring-Type should be "typography" to use this control
className?string-The custom CSS class name that will be set on the control. It can be used to modify the control styles
position?number-The position of the control in toolbar
roles?Array<Role>-Render the control only if the current user's role matches one of the roles in the provided array.

type Role = "admin" | "viewer" | "editor" | "designer" | "manager"
devices?"all" | "desktop" | "responsive""all"Define the devices where the control will be rendered. "all" renders the control on all devices. "desktop" renders the control only on desktop devices. "responsive" renders the control on both tablet and mobile devices
disabled?booleanfalseConfigure the condition under which the control is disabled or enabled
config?.fontFamilybooleantrueDetermines whether the font family can be selected
config?.fontSizeBoundariesmin: 0 max: 300Sets the minimum and maximum boundaries for font size

Boundaries: { min: number; max: number }
config?.lineHeightBoundariesmin: 1 max: 20Sets the minimum and maximum boundaries for line height

Boundaries: { min: number; max: number }
config?.letterSpacingBoundariesmin: -20 max: 20Sets the minimum and maximum boundaries for letter spacing

Boundaries: { min: number; max: number }
config?.scriptChoicesTextScripts[]-Determines whether the text can be formatted as subscript or superscript

TextScripts = "sub" | "super"
default?Default-The default control value. Accepts all the fields as in the return value
selector?string-The CSS selector to which the styles will be applied
style?function-This function generates CSS output based on the value from the control. The parameter is an object containing a value key, which holds the current value of the control. The function returns an object with a CSS selector key and CSS property values.
style: ({value}) => {
return {
"{{WRAPPER}} .brz-text": {
"font-size": ${value.fontSize}${value.fontSizeSuffix}

Basic example

Standard definition with only the required keys. This control will be displayed on all devices.

id: "typography",
type: "typography"

Return value

Return an object with the following values:

bold: boolean;
fontFamily: string;
fontFamilyType: "google" | "upload" | "system";
fontSize: number;
fontSizeSuffix: "px" | "em" | "rem" | "vw";
fontSoftness: number;
fontStyle: string;
fontWeight: 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900;
fontWidth: number;
italic: boolean;
letterSpacing: number;
lineHeight: number;
lowercase: boolean;
script: undefined | "super" | "sub";
strike: boolean;
underline: boolean;
uppercase: boolean;
variableFontWeight: number;

bold - indicates whether the text is bold;
fontFamily - the selected font family;
fontFamilyType - the type of font family used (Google Fonts, uploaded custom font, or system font);
fontSize - the size of the font;
fontSizeSuffix - the unit suffix for the font size;
fontSoftness - represents the softness of the font, typically affecting the visual smoothness;
fontStyle - indicates which global typography style is used;
fontWeight - the weight of the font, ranging from thin (100) to extra bold (900);
fontWidth - the width of the font;
italic - indicates whether the text is italic;
letterSpacing - the spacing between letters;
lineHeight - the height of the line;
lowercase - indicates whether the text is lowercase;
script - indicates whether the text is in superscript or subscript format;
strike - indicates whether the text has a strikethrough;
underline - indicates whether the text is underlined;
uppercase - indicates whether the text is uppercase;
variableFontWeight - the weight of the variable font, allowing for more precise adjustments;

Example of the return value:

bold: false,
fontFamily: "overpass",
fontFamilyType: "google",
fontSize: 36,
fontSizeSuffix: "px",
fontSoftness: 0,
fontStyle: "heading2",
fontWeight: 700,
fontWidth: 100,
italic: false,
letterSpacing: -1.5,
lineHeight: 1.3,
lowercase: false,
script: undefined,
strike: false,
underline: false,
uppercase: false,
variableFontWeight: 400


Class name example

Adding a CSS class to the control's DOM node.

id: "typography",
type: "typography"
className: "myTypography"

Roles example

Show the control only to users with admin and designer privileges.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
roles: ["admin", "designer"]

Devices examples

It will be rendered on all devices. This value can be skipped because it is set to "all" by default.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
devices: "all"

Rendering will occur only on desktop.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
devices: "desktop"

The display is limited to responsive modes, specifically tablet and mobile.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
devices: "responsive"

Disabled examples

Control will be disabled. Normally, here should be your dynamic condition.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
disabled: true

Control will be disabled when videoType variable will be "custom". getValue is a getter function that allows us to retrieve the value of controls by their id. "videoType" is the id of the "select" control below.

const getToolbarContols = ({ getValue }) => {
const videoType = getValue("videoType");

return [
id: "videoType",
type: "select",
choices: [
{ title: "Youtube", value: "youtube" },
{ title: "Custom", value: "custom" }
id: "typography",
type: "typography",
disabled: videoType === "custom"

Config fontFamily example

Determines whether the font family can be selected.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
fontFamily: false

Config fontSize examples

Rewrite the default minimum boundary for font size. If the user inputs a value lower than this, it will be automatically corrected to this minimum value.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
fontSize: {
min: 8

Rewrite the default maximum boundary for font size. If the user inputs a value higher than this, it will be automatically corrected to this maximum value.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
fontSize: {
max: 100

Rewrite both the default minimum and maximum boundaries for font size.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
fontSize: {
min: 8,
max: 100

Config lineHeight examples

Rewrite the default minimum boundary for line height. If the user inputs a value lower than this, it will be automatically corrected to this minimum value.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
lineHeight: {
min: 0

Rewrite the default maximum boundary for line height. If the user inputs a value higher than this, it will be automatically corrected to this maximum value.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
lineHeight: {
max: 10

Rewrite both the default minimum and maximum boundaries for line height.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
lineHeight: {
min: 0,
max: 10

Config letterSpacing examples

Rewrite the default minimum boundary for letter spacing. If the user inputs a value lower than this, it will be automatically corrected to this minimum value.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
letterSpacing: {
min: 0

Rewrite the default maximum boundary for letter spacing. If the user inputs a value higher than this, it will be automatically corrected to this maximum value.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
letterSpacing: {
max: 10

Rewrite both the default minimum and maximum boundaries for line height.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
letterSpacing: {
min: 0,
max: 10

Config scriptChoices examples

Determines whether the text can be formatted as subscript.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
scriptChoices: ["sub"]

Determines whether the text can be formatted as subscript or superscript.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
config: {
scriptChoices: ["sub", "super"]

Default value example

In the default object you can set the default values for any typography properties.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
default: {
fontFamilyType: "google",
fontSize: 12,
fontSizeSuffix: "px",
fontWeight: 700,
lineHeight: 1.8,
letterSpacing: 3,
variableFontWeight: 700,
fontWidth: 100,
fontSoftness: 0,
bold: false,
italic: false,
underline: false,
strike: false,
uppercase: false,
lowercase: false,

CSS examples (selector, style)

Using selector all the styles will be applied automatically to the element that matches the selector.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
selector: "{{WRAPPER}} .brz-text"

Using the value from the typography control change the font weight and letter spacing of a text element.

id: "typography",
type: "typography",
style: ({ value }) => {
return {
"{{WRAPPER}} .brz-text": {
"font-weight": value.fontWeight,
"letter-spacing": value.letterSpacing

Usage in HTML example

To retrieve the control's return value, access the necessary values from the component's props using the following rule: concatenate the id of the typography control with the value you wish to extract. The example below demonstrates how to extract 5 values from the typography control and use them to change some styles of a h1 element.

import { Brizy } from "@brizy/core";

interface Props {
titleBold: boolean;
titleFontFamily: string;
titleFontFamilyType: "google" | "upload" | "system";
titleFontSize: number;
titleFontSizeSuffix: "px" | "em" | "rem" | "vw";
titleFontSoftness: number;
titleFontStyle: string;
titleFontWeight: 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900;
titleFontWidth: number;
titleItalic: boolean;
titleLetterSpacing: number;
titleLineHeight: number;
titleLowercase: boolean;
titleScript: undefined | "super" | "sub";
titleStrike: boolean;
titleUnderline: boolean;
titleUppercase: boolean;
titleVariableFontWeight: number;

const Component = (props: Props): JSX.Element => {
const {
} = props;

return <div className="component">
fontSize: `${titleFontSize}${titleFontSizeSuffix}`,
fontWeight: titleFontWeight,
lineHeight: titleLineHeight,
fontFamily: titleFontFamily

id: "ThirdParty.Component",
component: { editor: Component, view: Component },
title: "Component",
category: "custom",
options: (props) => {
return [
selector: ".component",
toolbar: [
id: "toolbarTypography",
type: "popover",
config: {
icon: "nc-font",
title: "Typography"
options: [
id: "title",
type: "typography",
default: {
fontFamilyType: "google",
fontSize: 12,
fontSizeSuffix: "px",
fontWeight: 700,
lineHeight: 1.8,
letterSpacing: 3,
variableFontWeight: 700,
fontWidth: 100,
fontSoftness: 0,
bold: false,
italic: false,
underline: false,
strike: false,
uppercase: false,
lowercase: false,