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AI Text

The aiText control in Brizy enables users to generate text based on a given prompt. This feature leverages advanced AI technology to produce contextually relevant and coherent text, enhancing content creation with minimal effort.

Example of aiText control:



idstring-The identifier of the key where the aiText will save your data
typestring-Type should be "aiText" to use this control
position?number-The position of the control in toolbar
devices?"all" | "desktop" | "responsive""all"Define the devices where the control will be rendered. "all" renders the control on all devices. "desktop" renders the control only on desktop devices. "responsive" renders the control on both tablet and mobile devices.
disabled?booleanfalseConfigure the condition under which the control is disabled or enabled.
roles?Array<Role>-Render the control only if the current user's role matches one of the roles in the provided array.

type Role = "admin" | "viewer" | "editor" | "designer" | "manager"
states?Array<State>["normal"]Allows for different styles based on the element's state

State = "normal" | "hover" | "active"

"normal" - the normal state of an element,
"hover" - the state when the element is hovered over,
"active" - the state when the element is active (e.g., current page in pagination)
selectedValue?string-The value that will be used as context for generating new text. You can hardcode a default context that will not be overridden by the input context.
default?Default-The default control value.

Default: { value: string; }

value - the control's custom initial value.
If selectedValue is not set, then the default value will be used as context
style?function-This function generates CSS output based on the value from the control. The parameter is an object containing a value key, which holds the current value of the control. The function returns an object with a CSS selector key and CSS property values.
style: ({value}) => {
return {
"{{WRAPPER}} .brz-text": {
display: value === "" ? "none" : "block"

Basic example

Standard definition with only the required keys. This control will be visible on all devices.

id: "text",
type: "aiText"

Return value

The return value is a string representing the value of the generated text.

value: string;

Example of value:

value: "Brizy is a user-friendly and intuitive website builder that allows you to create beautiful and professional websites without any coding knowledge."


Devices examples

It will be rendered on all devices. This value can be omitted since it defaults to "all".

id: "text",
type: "aiText",
devices: "all"

Rendering will occur only on desktop.

id: "text",
type: "aiText",
devices: "desktop"

The display is limited to responsive modes, specifically tablet and mobile.

id: "text",
type: "aiText",
devices: "responsive"

Disabled examples

Control will be disabled. Normally, here should be your dynamic condition.

id: "text",
type: "aiText",
disabled: true

Control will be disabled when videoType variable will be "custom". getValue is a getter function that allows us to retrieve the value of controls by their id. "videoType" is the id of the "select" control below.

const getToolbarContols = ({ getValue }) => {
const videoType = getValue("videoType");

return [
id: "videoType",
type: "select",
choices: [
{ title: "Youtube", value: "youtube" },
{ title: "Custom", value: "custom" }
id: "text",
type: "aiText",
disabled: videoType === "custom"

Roles example

Show the control only to users with admin and editor privileges.

id: "text",
type: "aiText",
roles: ["admin", "editor"]

States example

Allows the control to work in normal and hover states.

id: "text",
type: "aiText",
states: ["normal", "hover"]

Allows the control to work in normal, hover and active states.

id: "text",
type: "aiText",
states: ["normal", "hover", "active"]

selectedValue example

The selectedValue key is used to provide context for the AI text generation.

id: "text",
type: "aiText",
selectedValue: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."

Default value example

In this example, the aiText control has the value "This is a text for AI for testing purposes" and it will generate a new text based on this value.

id: "text",
type: "aiText",
default: {
value: "This is a text for AI for testing purposes"

CSS example

Show or hide the .brz-text element based on the length of the text.

id: "text",
type: "aiText",
style: ({ value }) => ({
"{{WRAPPER}} .brz-text": {
display: value.value.length > 0 ? "block" : "none"

Usage in HTML example

In the example below, we use the aiText output value to render the generated text in UI.

import { Brizy } from "@brizy/core";
import React, { JSX } from "react";

interface Props {
text: string

const GeneratedText = (props: Props): JSX.Element => {
const { text } = props;

return (
<div className="brz-ai-text">
<h3>Your text :</h3>
__html: text ?? ""

Brizy.registerComponent(GeneratedText, {
id: "ThirdParty.GeneratedText",
title: "Generated Text",
options: (props) => {
return [
selector: ".brz-ai-text",
toolbar: [
id: "aiText",
type: "popover",
config: {
icon: "t2-star-shapes",
size: "auto",
title: "AiText"
roles: ["admin"],
position: 10,
options: [
id: "text",
type: "aiText"